Epson EB-695Wi

Epson EB-695Wi

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Epson EB-695Wi


Firmware (v1.22)
44.46 MB
Papildu informācija:

Firmware can be updated using the following projector ports:
USB-A (using USB memory stick)
USB-B using a computer and USB cable
Wired LAN using Epson Projector Management version 5.2 or higher(Application and manual downloadable from the Software section).
Wired LAN using EasyMP Network Updater.

This latest version includes
- Feature improvements
- Bug Fix

Cita programmatūra
Throw Distance Simulator
Papildu informācija:

Throw Distance Simulator is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector. Supported browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Mobile Apps
Epson iProjection for Android
Papildu informācija:

By using Epson iProjection, you can use the projectors to hold interactive meetings. You can connect up to 16 computers to one projector via a network. You can then select up to four of these connected computers and project their screens.

Epson iProjection for iOS
Papildu informācija:

By using Epson iProjection, you can use the projectors to hold interactive meetings. You can connect up to 16 computers to one projector via a network. You can then select up to four of these connected computers and project their screens.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi

Rokasgrāmatas un dokumentācija

Rokasgrāmatas un dokumentācija

ESC/VP21 Command User’s Guide (vH)
3.46 MB
Epson iProjection (v2.40)
1.79 MB
Papildu informācija:
By using Epson iProjection, you can use the projectors to hold interactive meetings. You can connect up to 16 computers to one projector via a network. You can then select up to four of these connected computers and project their screens.
Throw Distance Simulator (v1.0)
2.39 MB
Papildu informācija:

“Throw Distance Simulator” is a web application for calculating the throw distance between screen and the EPSON projector.

Easy Interactive Tools (v5.00)
0.91 MB
Papildu informācija:
Easy Interactive Tools is a dedicated application software and works as part of the Easy Interactive Function. Easy Interactive Tools allows you to electronically annotate your document or projection screen by using the pen supplied to highlight key points and draw on the projection screen while projecting. It will make your presentations or lessons much more compelling. To use Easy Interactive Function, install the driver from the "EPSON Projector Software for Easy Interactive Function" CD-ROM supplied with the supported Epson projector. For more details, see the projector user’s guide. s User’s Guide "Easy Interactive Function (EB-460i/450Wi only)"
Easy Interactive Tools Operation Guide (v4.20)
0.85 MB
Papildu informācija:
Easy Interactive Tools Operation Guide
User's Guide (v1.0)
17.45 MB
This manual provides you with information on how to use your product from setting up to troubleshooting.
Reģistrācijas un garantijas iespējas

Reģistrācijas un garantijas iespējas

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Pārbaudiet garantijas statusu
Pagarinātās garantijas iespējas (CoverPlus)
Aizsargājiet savu Epson izstrādājumu pēc standarta garantijas perioda, izmantojot Epson CoverPlus plānu. Lai uzzinātu vairāk par mūsu paplašinātās garantijas iespējām savam jaunajam produktam, noklikšķiniet uz tālāk esošās pogas "Skatīt paplašinātās garantijas iespējas".
Skatiet paplašinātās garantijas iespējas
Sazināties ar mums

Sazināties ar mums

Varat sazināties ar kādu no tālāk norādītajiem Epson pilnvarotajiem servisa partneriem:

Servisa ICT
Savanoriu pr. 192
44151 Kaunas
Tel: +370 37 329000

ServiceNet LV SIA
Slokas street 52F,
Riga, LV1007 Latvia
Epson atbalsts pa e-pastu
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Nosūtīt mums e-pasta ziņojumu
Par produktiem, kuriem ir garantija, lūdzu, sazinieties ar mums, izmantojot tiešsaistes tērzēšanu, tālruni vai e-pastu. Ja jūsu produktam vairs nav garantijas, atrodiet servisa centru.
Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka nevaram nosūtīt uz pastkasti
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